
The Mirror Book, a memoir

The Mirror Book, a memoir, shortlisted for the 2022 Ockham New Zealand Book Award

"The prose in Charlotte Grimshaw's The Mirror Book is exquisitely precise in its navigation of the complexity of the author's family dynamics." - Judges’ report, the 2022 Ockham New Zealand Book Award 

Extremely well-written...a deeply affectionate portrait, but always probing and unflinching in its examination of family and self - The Sydney Morning Herald

The Mirror Book is not about any objective truth or correcting a record . . . Rather, it argues for a multiplicity of stories and truths to be allowed to coexist, for individual narratives to accompany and complicate each other, rather than to compete for primacy or demand consensus. . . . The Mirror Book is full of shifts and the occasional jolting realignment, but it has a hard-nosed curiosity and a determination towards honesty that are compelling and poignant. It is a fascinating exploration of the complexity of the stories we tell about ourselves and each other – everything that shapes them and what they might shape in return. - Fiona Wright, The Saturday Paper, Australia

With bracing clarity, Grimshaw strenuously interrogates the dynamics of her 'tidily chaotic, respectably anarchic, stably unstable' family, delicately tracing the rising curve of friction and chaos within it . . . To be clear, this is in no way a resentful or angry book. Grimshaw maintains a calm, diagnostic coolness throughout when it would be so easy to write in anger. . . . A writer of unquestionable depth and insight, Grimshaw has what must be an almost overwhelming (for her, I imagine) and meticulous ability to view and consider everything she reports on from every angle imaginable . . . The Mirror Book details excruciating grief, loneliness, infidelity, psychological and emotional abuse, and physical violence . . . Grimshaw is a peerless writer with a strong sense of acuity and The Mirror Book is one of the best New Zealand memoirs I've read in years. Sure, it's a juicy page-turner but it is also full of surprises, acutely reported, and, as you would expect from Grimshaw, is written beautifully with dignified poise and care. A reflection of clarity and beauty. - Kiran Dass, Metro Magazine 

The Mirror Book is a fascinating portrait of not only a family, but the writing process. How we magpie material (go and make a story out of it) and what we build from it — and at whose expense? And where the line between fact and fiction is drawn...
The writing in this memoir is astounding. – Rachael King, Academy of New Zealand Literature

'Lovely childhood, house full of books.' That's the story the family told about themselves – but The Mirror Book shatters it all. Very occasionally you encounter a book where you think – this writer saved their own life in the writing of this. . . to be a witness as Grimshaw's pen draws out the story of her life is to completely buy into a mission that is righteous and urgent. Although it deals in the intimacy of this very specific New Zealand family, it pans out to take in the universal. The vertigo of the book's revelations come from its interrogation of our understanding of reality in its most proximal sense – whether we really know our family at all, and if not – how can we know ourselves? . . . Grimshaw's unnerving approach to storytelling is to show you something sacred, and then slide it out from beneath you. . . . I am convinced that telling our stories is existentially important, and I'm grateful that Charlotte has told hers. What she has achieved here is to make herself wholly visible and this memoir invites the rest of us to do the same. - Emma Espiner, The Spinoff

The Mirror Book is a slim little dagger of a thing that marches right up to Stead's version (three volumes, hulking big hardbacks, the third is out in May) and stares it down. . . . To read it is to watch a person finally stand up straight, stand in the light. . . . You don't need to know anything about Stead or poetry or New Zealand letters to be gripped by this book. You'll also, early on, forget about the he-said she-saids: Grimshaw's a lawyer and she is absolutely scrupulous with her receipts. It's March and I'm calling it: book of the year. - Catherine Woulfe, The Spinoff

Infidelity, sexual assault, domestic violence, literary battles and a family feud... it's not a novel but award-winning author Charlotte Grimshaw's explosive memoir . . . The Mirror Book is many things: an examination of memory, an exploration of psychological mysteries, a plea for understanding. But much of it is a reckoning of an existential crisis. - NZ Listener

Grimshaw attempts to excavate the truth of her family's history after years of mythmaking by her famous father — in which he was readily abetted by the rest of the family, where a frequently referenced "lovely childhood, house full of books" was truthfully only half the story. The memoir is fascinating not only on its own merits but for the ripples it has caused in certain literary and media circles — the unusually frank nature of Grimshaw's writing, which at times is as fond as it is damning, has prompted a host of remarkably thoughtful and interesting reviews and interviews. - North and South

The Mirror Book, a memoir . . . is the most harrowing, profoundly moving work of her prolific career. - Sunday Star-Times

This is The Mirror Book you are hearing a lot about: the explosive story of how the daughter denounced the father, Sylvia Plath-style. (And, like Plath, she denounced the mother too.) But that's only part of it. . . . To read The Mirror Book is to feel that fiction has finally stepped through the looking glass and emerged as fact, with all the bravery and all the difficulty that suggests. Where Grimshaw's fiction can go after this book has both cleared the air and related the backstory is anyone's guess. - Philip Matthews, Newsroom

This consequent memoir releases the dark swirling currents of Grimshaw's past loneliness, sense of neglect, alienation and sheer horror, flooding the public plain of sunlit family memory.
Grimshaw, who has only published fiction before, has the ability to tell a good story. Parts of this memoir, like the young kids' dangerous journey down the Waitākere gorge, read like fiction...
Charlotte Grimshaw needed to publish this memoir, to finally make her parents listen, because then they would not be able to ignore what she had long been pleading for: their acceptance of her story, and the recognition of who she really is—not what they would like her to be. She has wrested back some control of the story from her father, and this notorious critic, who took no prisoners during his career, ought not to complain. Charlotte is her father's daughter. Perhaps he had not acknowledged the warning from Polish poet Czesław Miłosz: 'When a writer is born into a family, the family is finished.' It makes this, appropriately, an epigraph for this memoir.- Landfall Review Online

The strength of her confessional, or analytical, memoirs is that she does not go in for an all-out attack; she depicts family relations sometimes supportive and bantering alongside the dreadful. As she makes clear in her foreword, she does love her parents, lives nearby and would always be there for them. . . . The Mirror Book makes a reader want to revisit all her writing with new eyes... Approaching this book is an exercise in discomfort. It helps to read the book in chunks and take a deep breath. It is a painful world, and one which Grimshaw is hugely brave in confronting publicly, as well as attempting to open a forum, yet again, with her parents. Grimshaw should be commended for her raw openness. - Jessie Neilson, Otago Daily Times


"Grimshaw's focus is always on the psychology of her characters and the societies they inhabit.... Grimshaw goes much further than simply dissecting an unreliable narrator. By various cunnning strategies, she raises the whole question of how well we can really know other people, and how much our perceptions of them are simply so many 'fictions.'" - Sunday Star-Times

 " Despite its mystery story structure, Mazarine is more a character study, a commentary on the way identity is constructed and a critique of the art of writing fiction itself. It is however, the thread of the mystery story that will probably keep most readers turning the pages."  - Reid's Reader

 "Mazarine is hugely compelling and beautifully written"  - Jane Parkin

 "Grimshaw's novels always deliver tension, intrigue, drama. Her stories are contemporary...and packed with plot. Serious doesn't mean po-faced though. Mazarine bristles with life and is full of sensations, humour, rippling interchanges and sudden poetry... It comments on society, not gauchely, but in passing glances and subtle asides. Grimshaw cares about the world we live in and asks us to care, too."  - The New Zealand Listener

 "Reading Charlotte Grimshaw is always a huge delight, sinking as she does into a place of implication, indirectness and suggestions of the sinister. With her multiple storylines and layers, as well as the intensity and paranoia of her characters, Grimshaw's work often strays into David Lynch-type territory... Mazarine ups the psychological layers of content into an extremely confusing place, where characters and their motivations are contradictory, unsure and yet persistent....Doctorow's epigraph states that every time a writer composes a book, their composition of themselves is at stake...Grimshaw is always unnerving as she digs into what it might be to lose someone else, or even to lose oneself." -  The Otago Daily Times 

Radio NZ Interview - Click Here to listen

 "At once domestic drama, psychological thriller - underscored with a buzzing note of menace about global terrorism and the surveillance state - and a sort of sensual coming-of-age tale, Grimshaw picks and chooses which tropes from each style to use and which to let lie. It's a brilliant and disconcerting strategy....The story is always fleshed out by Grimshaw's sensory and finely detailed sketches of people and place....whether her writing is prophetic or she's just really quick on the draw at spinning it into her novels, the parallels between the politics of her characters' personal lives and the politics playing out on a global scale is where Grimshaw's genius lies. There is much justified love for the New Zealand political satire of her earlier novels, along with their familiar cast of recurring characters, but by flinging Mazarine's cast onto the world stage, she forces them into confrontation with our current preoccupations: tyrants around the dinner table and in parliament, fake news inside our heads and out - trying to figure out who we should be in a world where truth and reality seem less certain than ever before. "  - Charlotte Graham-McLay The Spinoff

 "There's an air of ambiguous menace right from the start of Mazarine. More worrying than the chance encounter, Frances's daughter, Maya, travelling on the other side of the globe, has lost contact with her mother. The increasingly lengthy silence becomes increasingly worrying for Frances... In her customary deft prose, Grimshaw unspools this dryly ironic tale of international connections and the threads that bind us all through the intimate labyrinth the world has become. The themes weave in and out of the action seamlessly..." - North & South 

 "In an era where ‘fake’ news creates a sense of ongoing insecurity about what’s real and what isn’t, Grimshaw exploits this by having, at the core of her novel, not only a novel-writing narrator who is unreliable, but a semi-intrusive author. . . . Grimshaw is playing with what literature can and cannot do. She is reminding us that fiction is always a lie, a story told that asks you to suspend disbelief. . . . I was left marvelling, not only at Grimshaw’s ferocious talent, but at her gall, her audaciousness, her mischievous ability to play with a reader’s expectations of fiction. Nothing is set up that can’t be kicked sideways. Paradox, smoke and mirrors, equivocation: things are not what they seem. And there’s always that feeling that there’s a sly joke at the heart of it. . . . This is an intensely readable, indeed engrossing, very filmic novel. It’s very likely to be prize-winning…. While its message is that we’re living in times of great chaos, the novel mirroring this exists as a terrifying, memorable whole. I ended it feeling like a pathetic, panting puppy, my brain an unwelcome tangle. I applaud someone with the talent of the redoubtable Grimshaw, playing in a most timely manner with what is fiction and what isn’t." - Linda Burgess, Landfall

 "Award winning author Charlotte Grimshaw is a wonderful descriptive writer... This is a complex read, in which the author touches on many modern issues, brining them together in a gripping novel which has enough mystery to keep the reader guessing until the end. " - Booksellers NZ

 " a writer she is constantly reworking the narrative of her life into fiction and questioning the nature of truth and reality...Grimshaw's dialogue expertly captures the hidden patterns of everyday conversation, and she evokes mood and place brilliantly, from a rain-lashed, wintry Auckland to stifling heat in central London... Following her can be a confusing journey, but the high quality of Grimshaw's writing makes it worth the effort. " -  NZ Herald 

 "Mazarine is an ambitious novel, if only because it is being asked to bear an awful lot of weight. Only a writer of Grimshaw’s ability could pull it off: she is an effortless prose writer, a superb manager of narrative." - New Zealand Books Quarterly Review


Starlight Peninsula

"The other thrill of [Grimshaw's] books, and Starlight Peninsula in particular, is the craft of their storytelling. Watching events unfold in Starlight Peninsula, from both inside and outside Eloise's understanding, is an extremely exciting experience. Her real-time reflections of Simon Lampton as they discuss the death of Eloise's ex-partner provided me with some of the most thrilling and nail-biting reading I've done." – Metro Magazine

"Conspiracy, duplicity, notoriety, ambiguity, agony, loss, romance and catharsis: Starlight Peninsula charts all the thematic complexities of its predecessors, while offering the kind of astute political and psychological mystery which can be read as a standalone work for readers unfamiliar with Grimshaw's previous books. Stunning...her prose sparkles." - Dominion Post Weekend

"Starlight Peninsula. It's so, so clever." - Radio New Zealand Nine to Noon

"Starlight Peninsula is at its best when it makes its reader uneasy; it is discomforting, often challenging and always brilliant." – The New Zealand Listener

"Charlotte Grimshaw's mind is a delightful thing. Her ability to seamlessly develop minor characters from prior novels and reimagine real-life events is brilliantly evident in this companion novel to Soon....Once again, Grimshaw has skilfully tackled this difficult genre to produce a well-crafted, intriguing story with expertly developed characters, beautifully described landmarks and cultural references Kiwi readers will easily recognise." Australian Womens Weekly 

"Grimshaw has an impressive way of using very spare prose to construct atmosphere.... It's very well done... The character of Eloise is masterly." -ANZ LitLoversBlog

"I would read and treasure this book this book just for the portrait of Demelza, one of the great dragon mothers of fiction." North and South


Grimshaw's writing never stands still. The narrative belts along, pausing just long enough for characters to tie themselves into another bunch of knots. She has a wickedly accurate ear for the banalities of dialogue and the jargon of power plays. She's excellent at rendering an entire history or relationship through one scene... The force, the clarity, the relentless peeling away of pretensions, and the utter authenticity of geographical/social/moral settings keep it engrossing and convincing. Definitely a novel that puts your coffee in danger of cooling while you read." - The New Zealand Herald

“Full of delicious political and social satire." The Daily Mail UK

“Grimshaw’s fictional world, full of weather, nature, animals, is created through precise, poetic description." - The New Zealand Listener

"This is a truly riveting novel." - Toronto Globe and Mail

“Finally there is the stunning achievement of Soon…Grimshaw brilliantly demonstrates how far the boundaries of the crime genre can now be expanded. On one level Soon is an often satirical view of insider politics in a sister Commonwealth country. It is also an absorbing study in personal relationships…Crimes here are subtle - political, corporate and moral - but they fuel an accelerating crisis. And, suddenly, you realize you’ re enmeshed in an unconventional thriller that will carry you along to a smash climax.” - The Vancouver Sun

"Soon is a sly, masterly novel." - Malcolm Forbes, Literary Review UK

"One of the ten best summer reads." - Red Magazine UK

"An efficient, coolly poetic tale of Auckland's glitterati...darkly comic - paced like a classy thriller, it slips down as easily as the Hallwrights' dirty gin cocktails." - The List UK

"The story is told largely in dialogue which, along with its continuous action and limited locations, helps give Soon the feeling of a play. It ends, all too soon, with a conclusion that both surprises and provides a wonderful circularity to round out the theme of the past's persistence in the present." - North and South

"Extraordinary. Clever, scathing and intriguing. Soon is a bold, brilliant, biting satire on wealth and pretentiousness, and the present political situation in New Zealand." - The Women’s Bookshop

“Full of delicious satire. Grimshaw is much lauded in New Zealand and should have entered the British consciousness years ago.” - UK Daily Mail

“The unsettling juxtaposition of urbanity and blood-letting that characterises Grimshaw's other fiction keeps things edgy and jumpy here - New Zealand Herald

“Grimshaw cleverly depicts a series of power struggles as her characters seek to manipulate each other, forcing the reader to question their motives. - Anna-Maria Ssemuyaba, Times Literary Supplement

“Opening the pages of Charlotte Grimshaw’s new novel Soon is akin to tilting the blinds in a dim room; the razor-like precision of her words flood your mind with crisp, searing light, such is the vivid clarity of her prose... It’s a wonderful novel which explores morality and the extent to which we are responsible for our own actions.” - Steph Zajkowski, TVNZ

The Night Book

"Charlotte Grimshaw is writing some of the smartest fiction around." - Philip Matthews, The Dominion Post

"I rate Charlotte Grimshaw as the most important, significant and arrestingly talented of our middle year writers. I finished The Night Book with regret and am now delighted that she is continuing some of its story lines." - Christine Cole Catley

"A brilliant take on society. The Night Book's got so much going for it; narrative drive, pace, suspense and beautifully controlled seamless writing… Quite brilliant." - Nelson Mail

"This penetrating novel treads perfectly the divide between fact and fiction." - Sunday Star-Times

"A swiftly-paced, complex novel… We can look forward to seeing where Grimshaw goes from here." - Otago Daily Times


"Singularity is further evidence that Charlotte Grimshaw is the most interesting young writer of fiction in New Zealand today." - The Dominion Post

"She is a master with mystery, very contemporary and astute... Her language is relaxed, spare and perfect." - Jane Campion in The Guardian

"Grimshaw's vivid descriptions...are a joy." - The Times Literary Supplement

"One of the most accomplished and gripping short story collections in some time... believable, multi-layered characters who spring fully formed form the page." - The Glasgow Herald

"Stylistically, Singularity is stunning. Grimshaw's pose is crisp, elegant and richly descriptive... Most importantly, whether taken together, or in single serves, these stories are page-turning reads." - The New Zealand Herald

"Full of subtle and suggestive links. Charlotte Grimshaw is a stunning writer... Throughout, Grimshaw's control of language is exquisite and almost painfully acute." - New Zealand Listener

"It's official. Auckland's Charlotte Grimshaw is one of the best short-story writers in the world." - The Weekend Press


"One of the most gripping books of short stories I've ever read... Grimshaw's imagination and vision is astonishing. Her prose is spare and amazingly expressive... a book to read compulsively and re-read for its subtlety, penetration and sheer brilliance." - Writer's Radio, Radio Adelaide

"A darkly glittering achievement." - The Dominion Post

"A writer with impressive command of style and subject... It's riddling and rewarding. Appreciate its skill. Acknowledge its depth." - The New Zealand Herald

"Beautifully crafted, colourful and hard to keep to yourself. A sense of detail, vividly narrated, gives the whole book a richness that belies its simplicity of structure... Never heavy, always one step ahead of the reader in terms of black humor and unexpected outcome, Opportunity deserves to be read aloud." - Capital Times

"Charlotte Grimshaw just keeps getting better and better." - Next

"The best Charlotte Grimshaw stories combine her unflinching eye with real emotional insight." - New Zealand Listener

Foreign City

"She is terrifically good at building cities out of words." - The New Zealand Herald

"Smart and readable, Foreign City not only cements Grimshaw's already considerable reputation, it marks her out as exceptional." - The Dominion Post

"A swarming energy pervades every page she writes... her descriptive writing has always been of the highest order. Most of it would work just as well as poetry." - New Zealand Listener

"Grimshaw builds enormous narrative power through her use of structure, which keeps us guessing, concentrating hard, to the last page." - Herald on Sunday

"Like Dickens, Grimshaw makes characters of her cities. Her evocation of the British capital, especially, is superb." - New Zealand Books


"Some pages are so breathtakingly exquisitely good that you really feel like you're bearing witness to a virtuoso talent flexing her muscles." The Good Book Guide (UK)

"It's not so much the cause of fear that her novel is exploring but the atmosphere of it and in that respect her writing is extremely evocative." – Independent on Sunday

"Grimshaw creates sharply drawn urban landscapes, where noirish unsettling atmosphere is powerfully caught." – The Times UK

"One waits with interest and apprehension to see what she conjures up next." – Michael King.

"The richness of the book mainly comes from the writing itself... the dense swirling surface of Guilt reflects its central theme – the chaotic, anarchic nature of human existence." – The Evening Post

"Gripping." - Time Out

"Extremely tense, edgy and exciting, Guilt is about crossing the boundaries between lawfulness and lawlessness, and the grey area that is morality...Grimshaw's multi-talents are displayed again in this thrilling second novel." - Next

"Gripping and amazingly descriptive, you won't put this down in a hurry." – Shine

"Tense and compelling stuff." Big Issue


"She has a seething, unsettling imagination." The Observer

"Grimshaw shows a level of accomplishment unusual in a first time writer, her shiny diamond-hard prose suiting her subject matter perfectly. A deliciously dark treat." – The Times UK

"Provocation is a compelling read, and Grimshaw's prose is magnificent. First fiction just doesn't get any better than this." – Irish Examiner

"Atmospheric, intelligent and seductively strange." – Sarah Dunant

"Darkly compelling." – Gillian Slovo